Keep Calm And Analyse The Arguments

Reason in favour of Gay Marriage #6:

Same Sex Marriage should be legalised because

Argument in favour of Gay Marriage:

The idea that same sex marriage is a bad thing is akin to the superstitious nonsense of the dark ages. But we live in the light of the 21st century. So why are we thinking like cave men?

The Facts:

21st century science has debunked the idea of a gay gene. 21st century research shows that homosexual behaviour is harmful for homosexuals. So if anyone is in the stone age, it is the gay marriage lobby. Because it maintains its position despite 21st century facts. In fact, the way it uses media muscle to bully and intimidate its opponents is utterly reminiscent of the “might is right” mentality so characteristic of cave men.

What’s more, morality is not dependent on a period of time; it depends on what is right and wrong regardless of time.

The Real Issues:

On closer inspection, the argument turns out to be just a distraction.

Because the real reason the gay lobby is in favour of same sex marriage is not at all about where we are in the space-time continuum. Rather their campaign is based on an ideology that transcends time. So, to use the 21st Century argument is actually quite deceptive. After all, gay marriage activists aren’t pushing for marriage equality simply because it’s the 21st century; they would push for it even if we were living in the 1st century.

But the reason they persist with the argument is because they are looking to legislate morality under the guise of enlightened thinking. It is an attempt to legitimise homosexuality using state sanctions. They’re using their positions of authority to draft laws that will impose a new morality on society as a whole. But such blatant abuse of power would not be acceptable to many. Therefore the gay lobby uses the “stone age” argument in a bid to mask its true agenda. After all, nobody wants to be thought of as living in the stone age.


Labelling the opponents of same sex marriage as stone age thinkers is the equivalent of mud-slinging. But when examined in the light of common sense and reason, the mud simply does not stick. Because the argument is nothing but a distraction from the real issue — that gay marriage is nothing but an ideology seeking to impose itself on all Australians in the name of enlightenment.

Rainbow image source: Designed by Freepik
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